I worked at Fermilab as a hybrid UI/UX designer within their Content Management group. I assisted different groups at the lab with their WordPress, SharePoint, and Apache websites needs. But my main focus was for the laboratory’s Web Modernization program. The program worked to bring all the websites for the lab under the same styling and branding, as well as working to update the content and organization to meet usability standards. But my work didn’t just stop at online, I also work on some of the digital signs around Fermilab. My duties have also included troubleshooting Adobe Acrobat forms, training users on the WordPress interface and HTML editing, and photo manipulation and video editing to put on the web.
WordPress plugin connecting to SharePoint
Collaborating with another developer, we created a WordPress plugin to connect to Fermilab’s SharePoint indexed searches. This plugin was developed to help have a unified search experience for the many websites for Fermilab and its experiments.
Wireframe of admin plugin settings withing WordPress
Technical Publications Website Redesign
This was one of the first sites I ported over to WordPress from Apache. I also later reorganized the content on the home page into a more cohesive flow of information. The images below illustrate the transformation and work that went into understanding the content and process of submitting a technical publication at Fermilab for the science community.
Before and after
Office of Partnerships and Technology Transfer
This department did not have a website yet, so it took time to determine the best site organization. I spent hours pouring over presentations and documentation, as well as doing market research on the other laboratories. I was part of a three person team, including myself and a business relationship manager and another web developer. We presented a couple of options I created to the department to get their input on their different processes. Below you can see the final outcome of fitting their requirements into my site organization solution and the Fermilab theme.
Site org wireframe transistion
Homepage mockups
Final site
Digital Signage Projects
One of the projects I worked on for the digital signs around the lab include one for the Particle Physics Department. They needed one that showed a calendar that includes when people are out and upcoming events, as well as weather and a clock. I worked with another co-worker to get this sign design working they way they wanted.
Initial mock-up of the layout
View video of final digital sign
Quick Rundown
UI/UX Designer
Web Developer
3+ years
UI/UX Design
Visual Studio Code
Adobe CC Master Suite (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat DC, Premiere, InDesign)
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Visio, PowerPoint, Publisher)
Omnivex Moxie digital signage